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Number One First Date Tip: Safety

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Number One First Date Tip: Safety

Online dating sites hacve introduced a whole array of Internet dating advice and relationship tips to ensure a smooth transition when moving from online contact to meeting in person. Once you've chatted online and spoken for quite some time on the phone, it is time to schedule a first date. If you've determined you're ready for this step, arrange a first date activity you would enjoy. First date conversation is often the most stressful portion of the date, but can be minimized by remembering a few tips. First, go slowly with the type of information you share. Overly intimate conversations about your past or your possible future together can wait for another time. Also, be truthful. If you want to go this relationship to go further, it is important to be honest and genuine with who you are. Lastly, have a balanced conversation where you talk about your interests and allow the other person equal time and focus on him/herself.



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