Answer provided 12/7/2004 11:01:35 AM
What types of little surprises can I do to make my partner happy and keep the relationship exciting?
You have to know your partner, because one person's exciting surprise is another person's nightmare. Some people long for a surprise birthday party, for example, and others pray they are never caught unawares not dressed for the occasion. With that said, you might try any or all of the following: flowers, really good chocolate, massage oil (edible), tickets to a show, romantic music, filling the room with candles as she showers so she steps out into a peaceful, sensual atmosphere, a trip away, you take a massage course and practice on her, take a beautiful photo of her sleeping and present it to her in a frame, e-cards, a card in the mail filled with rose petals, poetry, the list is endless. And ask her for ideas! She might be involved in the "what", but not the "how" or the "when"! But talk to her before you come home with a fur-lined blindfold so you know if her reddening cheeks mean she likes it or if you're in for a little surprise yourself.
Aren´t soulmates supposed to never fight?
suggestion for keeping the romance alive.
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Is it possible to be "just friends" with someone of the opposite sex?
I want to stay friends with my ex. Can this work?
When does flirting stop being harmless?
What are the rules for flirting at the office?
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Is it OK to have sex with someone who's just a friend?
Do married people flirt with each other?
What are some good ways to flirt at a social event?
How can I flirt without angering my partner?
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What should I expect in the early stages of dating?
How soon is too soon to have sex with a new partner?
What does it mean when my partner says "I love you"?
Should I start dating right after a breakup?
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Can a marriage survive if one of the partners changes religions?
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How can I get to know someone whose online dating profile attracts me?
Dating sites aren't working out for me. Are there other ways to meet people online?
How much should I reveal in e-mail?
What do I need to know to meet people on MySpace?
How do I say no to someone who e-mails me?
How much sex should a person have?
How are romance and sex connected?
How can we set healthy boundaries around the use of pornography in our relationship?
How can we keep body-image issues from hurting our sex life?
What are some ways to spice up our sex life?
Is it OK to try to change what my partner does in bed?
What are some creative ways to express intimacy?
What are some safety tips for single, sexually active people?
How do I know I'm in an abusive relationship?
What are the red flags I should look for in an abusive personality?
What is the number one sign of someone with an abusive personality?
What should I look for in teen relationships that are abusive?
How can I prepare to leave an abusive relationship?
What should I do to stay safe when online dating?
What are you some online dating safety tips?
What should I do the first time I meet someone offline?
What are the warning signs when online dating?
How do I succeed in online dating?
How do I get more responses for my online profile?
What shouldn't I do in an online relationship?
Relationship Conflicts, managing conflicts, interpersonal conflicts
How do I get closer to my spouse?
Can a long distance relationship really work?
My husband of 13yrs has told me he would like to make his fantasy come true and has found a woman that he works with to make it a reality. He wants to take her out after work one night for dinner and then to get a hotel room. He had asked me to join them but I am not comfortable with it. I am even more afraid of this "date". What can I do? I am glad he was honest with me but I fear even if I say no he will do it anyway someday. PLEASE HELP!!
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I read the e-mail that you sent me back. And to response to that is you tell me to ask him what the problems are and I did but it`s not all me. See the thing is once someone cheats and cheats on you. What can you do but bitch and never forget what he`s done if he so called loves you right?
So basically you are telling me it`s ok that I sleep with my child`s father regardless if we are together or not right?
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I have a questions they may may sound stupid, but I need to know
when you can`t help but think about your ex, is that mean that he is thinking about you too?
and i broke up with my ex and everytime where we meet(when his girldfriend or my boyfriend are not there), we kiss and he tells me that he loves me, is it true?
I let him go, but i guess that we never got time to really know easchother and now,i want him back and my I sent my brother and bestfriend to speak with him, but he won`t want me back, so why it that everytime we meet, we kiss and i can tell that he really miss me?
should I forget about him?..I have a boyfriend now, that i also love but somehow I fell like the only i want is him and instinctely i am sure that he still love me too, am i fantize?
please tell me what i can do. it seems like I can leave withouh him . thank you.
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When you have sex again with your ex-boyfriend which is the father of your child is that wrong?
He tells me he loves me but we just can`t be togther right now but it`s ok for us to have sex do you think he is using me for sex?
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Is it cheating if your boyfriend or fiance has women that he talks to on the phone or by text messaging? I caught mine lying to me and my trust in him is gone
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Can anyone help me understand what I went through.I developed a freindship with a girl and I really enjoyed it.But Since I am married I started feeling guilty about it coz I realised I was getting much too attached to her.Although she was treating it as a normal freindship.The problem arose when she started inviting me to her place to meet her hubby etc.I did not want to meet him(why??) so I always said I was busy etc.One day she called up my place to invite me and my wife and kids for a party I panicked(fearing my wife will come to know--what I don`t know) and behaved badly with her telling her she should not have called.She was mad coz I used to call her often even at her place and never told her that she can`t call.Obviously the freindship ended.She writes beautifully and in course of our frnshp she had written nice emails to me whenever I needed advice or support.While ending the frndshp she asked me to delete them as she felt she was only being used by me.I promised to do so.But I did not delete but told her that I have deleted.She guessed my password(it was her name) and deleted the mails and told me I was caught lying.I felt miserable but despite my better judgement I could not change my password till date.What happened to me?? Infact I stopped using any other mail box but that and I wanted her to read all my mails.And now I have stopped having e mail accounts I can`t bear the thot of logging in as it reminds me of her.And to make matters worse my office unintentionaly sent my mobile bills home in which there were records of all my calls to my freind so now my wife also thinks I had an affair.I know I was wrong ,lying to both of them but what do I do Now??? My freind is doing well in life , laughs at my name saying `what a loser and I feel so awful infact I have even changed my job but nothing is helping.
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My boyfriend recently broke up with me ( we had been going out for about 1 week:/) and then i was beginning to think that he really loved me and i really did love him , but then he brok eup with me , i m still not completely over him , but there was a dance a few days ago, and i noticed that he was looking at me alot -- and one time he threw something at me lol--- i was wonderin if there was anythingi could do to make him like me again -?
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My boyfriend of two + years tells me that he doesn`t know if he loves me or not. He says I am the best thing that has ever happened to him. I am not pressuring him to make any marital commitments, but he may be getting a new job 3-4 hours away. He says he does not want to do the "long distance" thing again. Which we did for one year. Does his lack of wanting to "work it out" mean he`ll never want to commit or love me? Or should I just give him time?
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My boyfriend and I have been dating for over nine months and are serious.
in the beginning the discussion of how many people we`ve been intiment was asked by him. I don`t feel relevancy of that question so much because i feel past is your past for a reason and shouldn`t be judged by it unless its horrible(crime,cheating,abuse history)
I stated my feelings answering that, but we still ended up sharing. I was not totally honest about the number of people. I felt embarassed and ashamed and wasn`t sure what he would think of me, he is older and I didn`t want him to think that I don`t take sex likely, its just mistakes, what may you, that i didn`t feel i needed to discuss anymore in my life. I was starting a new leaf and didn`t want to feel judged about my past.
Last night somehow the subject came up and i let the real number slip out, and it is only 2 more than what i had said. he caught that and i tried to cover it up but it came out and he wants to leave me. i tried to explain why i felt i had to lie and the thing he is most upset about is that i did lie and he questions everything else and doesn`t know if he can get past it, he needs time to think.
I want to know is there anything I can say or do to help the situation, help answer why I did or prove im telling the truth, i know its hard to say when someone lies but I feel there has to be something.
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My husband and I have been married for 6 years and have 3 children together. I reacently discovered he was pursuing a relationship with my younger sister. He says he loves her but still loves me more and that he never wanted to leave me for her.I am having a lot of trouble dealing with this and would like aome advice as to what to do. Also this is not the first time he has cheated.
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I recently broke up with my girlfriend and I want her back again. I am 24 and she is 27. We started dating on August 10, she asked me out for a beer and that same night we realize we both had feelings for each other but I ended the relationship January 4th. I mean she is an awesome person, very caring, very good heart and kind. I broke up with her was because I told her that I felt lack of attention from her I mean our relationship was great at the beginning; she called me everyday to hang out or to watch a movie or to have dinner at her house but then as time passes by this kind of things faded away as her classes started and more work was coming along. Since she works full time and doing a masters degree, she told me she cares about me and she offered for perhaps a break instead of breaking up. I was the one who told her that she needs to focus more on her career and on her books, and because she needs to focus more on her books I know that we will not have much time together therefore the breakup. She was very emotional when I said that, I was not thinking for myself but I was thinking what was best for her so at the end we agreed to have a breakup. However I felt really bad when I broke up with her that now I miss her. We both work for the same company and in fact, that’s the way I met her. And lately at work everytime I see her or I am at her office she always stares at me but in a good way as if she likes me. Last Thursday the 7th I was at her office doing some work and she was staring at me as usual so I decided to call her and see how she is doing and at the same time ask her for some time on Saturday to talk. And that day I told her I was feeling sick I didn’t eat well that they, and she said to me “you should’ve told me and I could’ve brought food to you. By the way how is your cold? Are you taking medicine? Do you need my thermometer because I will bring it from my house so I can take your temp at my office. She was being really sweet on the phone and then she told me that she was going to call me on Friday to see her availability on Saturday. But that never happened, I mean I am getting weird signals here… she sounds really nice when I called her but she forgets to call me back I mean we just broke up this week is it ok for her to be partying if she is partying or is it ok for her to not call me because she fell asleep. Should I take her back? I mean right now I am concerned of what her feelings are towards me. Can you help me out?
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My girlfriend is too attached to her almost 8yr old boyfriend the relationship is taking off at present. But she gets upset over me talking over my ex with whom i have a kid, and blames me of being still in love with her. But herself is still visiting her ex each day and talking over the phone. Somehow it makes me feel she is cheating on me even though i know she would not. But i feel insecure and worry myself knowing that she is with her ex in his house. Please advise. I have tried talking to her to maintain a distance but it doesnt help, she is too drawn to him even if she loves me dearly.
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i`ve been going out with this girl for 2yrs now, shes great i love her with all of my heart, we have had sex quite offen but in the last few months she just hasnt as much, said shes not horney and women dont get liek that til later on, shes 18 right now. should i have any question that shes cheating on me?
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My boyfriend recently broke-up with me and I am beginning to question everything. I am 23 years old and a virgin and proud of it. This was the reason he broke up with me. He said no man in the world would wait for me. My family says this is not true. But is he right and no man in the world will wait until marriage to have sex?
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how can i prove that i love my fiance also when we fight she brings up past arguments she wants to leave me but i feel it might be a mistake she still loves me and wants to be with me but she`s willing to throw are relationship away what should i do to try and save us?
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My girlfriend finally got over her 8 yr relationship with a possessive guy, at times who would "kind of" even physically assault her. I want her to be always happy and satisfied with me; she loves and respects her family (her parents) and i am not sure if they and how they will accept me, as they are quite attached to this guy and in their eyes he is still fair. I love her dearly and want to see her happy anything to be done will be done even if that means to sacrifice my love if she is happier. Please advise!
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Ive been with my bf for 14 months and recently I started having this gut feeling that hes cheating on me. The weird thing is that he hasnt given me any reasons to think that except that he gets mad easily and when I mention or ask about other women or about my suspicions he gets really defensive. Should I pay attention to my gut feeling?
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me and my boyfriend, we`ve been together over 1-2 months now,we hav soooo much fun together,we care alot about each other. we`ve both been hurt badly (physicaly) in the past, but sometimes the past gets in the way of us. we haven`t gone further then the kissing and cuddling, but were planing to. but this is where my past comes and haunts me, how do i block it out? my boyfriend no`s why, and understands my reason, but i really want to make ago with my boyfriend, could you help?
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My ex-boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me recently and he said he never wants to speak to me nor see me ever again. I had hoped we could get together at a coffee shop once a month to catch up on one another`s lives. He`s in AA & his sponsor & AA friends say for him to act like I don`t exist. We live across the steet from on another. He keeps his blinds shut..closing me out. I am so sad. How do I let go? How can someone who wanted to marry me & said he loved me be so cold & distant. I truly need some advice..I don`t know how to let go..please help. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Karen Robinson
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i`ve had a rotten past with failed relationships and guys screwing up with my feelings just to get me in bed. five years later, i meet a wonder guy who loves me to bits. problem is he gets depressed when he thinks about my past which saddens me so much. i tell him he deserves someone bettr but everytime the issue comes up, he`ll just start wallowing into depression. i wish the past never happened, and i`m worried it will break us apart. what should i do?
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my boyfriend has a habit of critisizing the way i look talk and act. how do i stop him from doing this?
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I am engaged to a wonderful woman. When we first started dating I lied about my age thinking this would not amount to much. I need to tell her before we get married but I am unsure how to break it to her?
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I`ve been dating this guy for almost 2 years. We are engaged now, and I`m very happy in our relationship. We have a good time when we are together. The sex is good, we get along extremely well. He`s everything I could ask for in a life partner.
However I feel like I`m dealing with a perpetual flirt. He`s a very naturally friendly guy which is great. I want him to be friendly to be people. However anytime there is a woman around he turns it on times 10. He turns up his charm, his enthusiam and personality and channels it on this woman, and all of sudden I don`t seem to exist even if I`m sitting next to him. So he says well why don`t you chime in the conversation. The conversation is not allowing me to and why are you so open to every woman who comes along, so willingly to get into a conversation that only involves the two of you. I should never have to interven, I shouldn`t have to fight for your affection of attention ever!!!!! I am about to be your wife!!!!! When another woman comes into the room, I am second, he gives them too much energy and attention. I`ve tried to mention this to him but he thinks that he`s just being friendly. And he immediately gets defensive, and I can`t talk to him, he won`t hear me. I`m not a jealous person, I know men are always going to notice beautiful women, I mean I notice beautiful women, but he turns it on so much that it makes me feel uncomfortable. There is a huge differnce and he always crosses the line. It`s not just being friendly, when I am excluded out of the conversation, and it`s not friendly when all of your attention is focused on her. He is trying to make me feel bad for feeling this way. Should I feel this way, am I out of line for feeling like this. He says of all the things you don`t have to complain about "I don`t cheat on you, I don`t hit you, I don`t neglect you to be with the boys, and you have to complain about this""
Ok so because he doesn`t do all those things I should make an exception. What a bunch of shit!!!!
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if your girlfriend doesnt want you 2 wear something because it reminds them of a ex-lover, does this mean that they still have feelings?and their relationship now, as good friends suggests it isnt a bad reminder?
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Should I end my relationship with my boyfriend because I`m jealous of his kids????
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My new boyfriend and I have been dating for a couple of months now. I thought everything was going good. He just got divorced about 7 months ago to the only girl he`s been with since high school. He is 23 now. They were married for only 1 year and she told him she had cheated on him with 10 people after they got married. So he divorced her. She moved away with one of the guys and now she is calling my boyfriend everyday tring to get back with him. He still loves her I know that, but with the holidays coming she will be coming home to spend with her family. My boyfriend told me he is really confused and has a lot of things to figure out in the next week or 2 and told me to hang in their because he cares about me to. He just can`t get over her. Which i can deal with that I`ve been through an experience of my own all most like his. He knows I will be there for him and would do anything for him. I told him that she doesn`t deserve him and he thinks in his head that he doesn`t deserve her. I have no one else to talk to about this because I don`t want my family and friends to know, because i know what they would tell me, but I really don`t want to loose my boyfriend, but i don`t know if i`, strong enough to go through this. I guess that my question is how can i help him start to slowly move on and get over his ex. sorry this is so long, but i am confused on the hole deal.
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My boyfriend and I who are pretty serious have been discussing marriage and what we want in life etc. We agree on everything except for where we want to live. He`s a city boy who eventually wants to design malls and other things whereas I`m a country girl who wants to live on a farm and raise our children there. Both of us feel extremely strong about the decisions we`ve made seperately, however, we both still feel very strong about wanting to get together, but how do we agree on something as big as that when neither of us can stand the others` decision?
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Im so Happy I found this site! I have been searching everywear for answers! Ive been in this relationship for 2 years. The first 11 months were wonderful! Romance, Pastion, effection, eye connection, gifts, and love was everywear. He even gave me a promise ring! Now he doesnt show me he loves me except by doing things for me, (he`d do for anyone) Hugs and kisses me, and says I love you like a habbit. He`s never seriouse with anything we talk about, even if im upset! I`m afrade he has lost the heart filling butterfly feeling. I go home evernight and cry because I know He is not in love with me as much as I am with him. Everytime I talk about us getting married in a few years, he changes the subject. He Can never look me straight in the eyes. & all he ever talks to me about is work and college. I have thought there was another girl, but I realized there is not. If you could give me some kind of response, it would be great! PLEASE HELP ME! What is going on with my boyfriend?
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i break up with my boyfriend, because he cheated on me how do i know if he still loves me, because i still love him, and how should i amke him jealous
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I`m worried that the love of my life is or has cheated on me.well i`ll start off here.I`m 21 and my girlfriend is 20.I live in NC and she lives in WV.We use to live together but she had to go back for alittle while.anyways so I travel to come see her every other week.well i left friday to come see her.she called me and asked if she could ride with her good guy friend to PA to return his rental car because he just moved back into shes know him since highschool and she told me he use to grap her brest all the time and it didn`t bother her.well i asked her if they ever selpt together awhile back and she said no.they got back around 11:00 and he droped her off at her house.I was still on my way to wv so i called her on the cell.she was acting very diffent i never heard her act like this before.all most like she was on drugs or i final made it up their the first thing i did was give her a big hug and a kiss and she was happy to see me aswell.alright we get to the bed and shes undressing and she shows me her pantys they had white secretion stains in the croch area a good amount to.she told me its was from think of me all day.i don`t know if women do that or if it was mens sperm comeing back out on the ride back or what so i guess i wanted to know what you thought,also we had sex but it wasn`t like normal she wanted it doggy and hard and other diffent postions we normally don`t do.we like to make love but i don`t understand this.i have a gut feeling thats she cheating.that night she wasn`t the same person.then she started talking about her guy friend and how hes kinky with his girl.then she said we should get together because we both were kinky.she was the one wanting it rough and kinky not me.
thanks for listening i hope you can help me i don`t want to get burned again
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I`ve dated this woman for 5 months... She`s was dating me and one other guy... Recently, she told me she wanted to go steady with me, and then, a week later, she told me that she changed her mind because she could`nt break it off with the other guy... I recently broke off all contact with her, gently... For now... To give her time to find out about this other guy... I felt like I was competing with this other guy... I didn`t mind giving her time or courting her but it was too hard to keep seeing her... My serious feelings happened all at once... I told her that we could have a status update on our future in about a month... I still feel strongly for her and I know she cares for me... What should I do?
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Hi. I recently moved in with my boyfriend, and he has made a change for the worse. He depends on me to do his laundry, cook his meals, clean up after him, and to help him with his bills. At first I helped him out since he and his mom both lost their jobs, but now I feel more and more like he doesn`t love me, instead he just needs me to take care of him. We`ve been together for two years, and everything that used to be good about our relationship has vanished. I`m miserable about our relationship, but don`t know how to fix it. I`ve tried talking to him about this, and he has said that he would change, but it`s been 2 weeks, and nothing has happened. I want things to go back to the way they were before we moved in together. What am I doing wrong?
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my boyfriend and i have been together for a little over a year now, but recently (last 2-3 weeks) things have been really rough. i`ve done things unintentionally that hurt him over the year and he`s sick of it and we`re taking, well i guess, a break. he needs time to get his head straight and i`m supposed to think of ways where i will change, and not hurt him anymore. i need to know how to have and maintain a successful relationship, i need to know what to do and what not to do, i need to know how i can mend the scars i`ve put upon our relationship, i need to show him i care and love him (not just through words).... i am totally in love with this guy and he`s so angry with me. i just don`t know what to do except wait. i know i`m being kind of unspecific but i just need help. my mind is boggled and i just don`t think i have the right thoughts in my mind to mend our relationship. please help!
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i recently got drunk and cheated on my boyfriend at a party. hes incredibly pissed, and understanably so. i really do care about him, but i think we were at that insecure point in our relationship, and i think i totally screwed things up. how do i regain his trust?
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My exboyfriend and i were together for 10 months. He broke up with me because i argue to much for no reason with him and becuase i threw big jealous tantrums. He`s given me plenty of chances but i always mess it up. Now that i have had time to evaluate myself i realize that i hurt him. NOw i want to get back with him but he says he`s is scared. He told me to move on, and that the reason he wont take me back is becuase of the doubt he has of everything going bad again. What does he mean he`s scared? What or how do prove to him that im changed and i really want to make it work? WIll he forgive me and give me one last chance? DESPERATE FOR ADVICE
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my boyfriend and i have been dating for almost 7 years. We finally graduated college and moved in together. But now since we have been living together, he does not want to be intimate with me. We have been living together for 1 month, and he is totally different to me sexually. This is unlike him, i know he is not cheating, so why the sudden change of heart?
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My boyfriend has told me that he feels controlled by me and i have told him i will change to save our relationship but i need advice on how to go about it. The problem is i am insecure and find it hard to trust that he loves me and wants to spend time with me even though the evidence is there for me to see. Because of this, when he does take space or is distant or doesent want to do something i want to do with him, I feel it as a rejection, not logically but emotionally and i get angry or upset. The problem is that part of me knows that i shoudent be so silly but my emotions take over and i start being critical and emotional. i dont want to be like this. What methods are there to deal with the problem.
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I met my boyfriend online several years ago. In March of 2003 he finally flew out to see me (Im from California, he`s from Alabama), and we got pretty serious after that. I moved to Alabama this July and started at the University of Alabama in August. I live in my boyfriend`s hometown, but he lives 4 hours south of me. The problem is, he won`t move back home. Before I moved to Alabama he said he would move back to his hometown in August so we could be together. He was recently kicked out of radiology school and was not enjoying his current job. When August rolled around he said that he was helping with a new program at work and felt obligated to stay until the first of the year. Now that the first of the year is 2 weeks away, he`s saying that he really enjoys his job and he`ll be back "sometime in the spring". Everytime I try to talk to him about it he gets really defensive and we don`t get anywhere. I am tired of having a long distance relationship; it`s been 3 years already. I feel hurt and let down. What do I do?
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Over two years ago, I met someone (online) and it was a rather intense beginning to a relationship. Needless to say, we moved too fast and things fell apart. Since then, we`ve been on again and off again and gone through moments where we were not speaking because it was too difficult to be around each other without wanting something. It escalated to the point where last Christmas, he confessed that he was crazy about me but that it was a "different kind of crazy" and he didn`t understand it. At that time, I was dating someone and I basically told him not to talk to me anymore because it was just preventing me from moving on. So, he went away and I finally moved on. Since then, he`s dated a lot and has been going around with this ideal "list" of what he wants in his next partner but has not found it. Finally, he emailed me last week to say that he hsa figured things out in life, never quite knew what he was looking for but now he does and I am it. Am I foolish to even entertain this after he`s been SO indecisive for SO long? How can he be sure all of a sudden? A part of me is still attracted to him but I feel anxious about anything with him again.
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how do you break up with someone you really care about but they never show their love to you but you know they care for you
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Hi, I wanted to bring my kids over to where their step-brother lives to spend Christmas with him. The thing is that my fiance`s ex-wife puts things in his head that his daddy loves his step-brothers more than he loves him. I think she`s still in love with my fiance and gets very jealous and possessive. Her attitudes is like she`s still in loves with him. The major reason that I want to take my kids over to see their step-brother; even though both him and his mom doesn`t acknowledged the fact that the boys shares the same daddy; is because I want her to see that he`s with me and not her. She says that he should get more involved in his son`s life, but her actions says completely something different. I think she wants to see him more than his son. My fiance even told me numerous times before that she begs him to come back,and acts like me and my kids don`t matter. I really don`t care if she gets mad and try to make us feel bad because we`re imposing on my finace and his son`s times because he doesn`t see him that often. How can they when she refuses to send him over during the summer breaks? She`s using her own kid as a weapon against his father. Then she has the nerve to get mad and call him a sperm donor. I wan to go up there because he acts like something is up because there`s always some sortof drama going on when he leaves. So, I want to see for myself what`s the problem.
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I’ve known this one guy since January 2004. He’s asked me out on various occasions but I always turned him down (nicely) because, at the time, I was not physically attracted to him and also because of his age (I’m 19 and he’s 28). Since then my feelings for him have changed. When he asked me out again back in July, I agreed to meet up and we ended up at his apartment. There he had a proposal for me: either we can have a relationship OR "we can just be friends." I never gave him an answer but I did tell him that I like him and I think he`s cute. After that we made out and had a great time talking and cuddling. The problem now is that in August he left to go to Europe and the Middle East (I was silly enough not to ask why) and emailed me to say that he would be back in about 2 months. He also told me that he’d be "emailing in a couple of months, so stay in touch." I did exactly just that. I emailed him back but I have not heard from him since and it has been 3 months already. I`m kind of worried that something might have happened to him over there (not likely though)...but I don`t want to call/email him. I figure, if he is back and if he still has feelings for me then he would call. Other than that I should just forget about him and move on (but it is A LOT easier said than done). Do you think it`s possible that his feelings for me have changed and what should I do?? Please help!
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What types of little surprises can I do to make my partner happy and keep the relationship exciting?
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My husband runs a gentlemans club and he is there for the night shift 3 nights a week. I have always hated the fact that is the only job he will do, I love him not the job. I`m a retired stripper thats how we met 15 almost 16 years ago, and 4 children later. Ihave tryed so hard not to be jealous, I know what many would do to get a, a, a head. There have been many things that lead me to think he has been cheating while a work. I really need some other opion. Here are the facts.
Unable to keep or sometimes get an erection.
He has become very protective of his cell phone.
He leaves the room when he gets calls and almost wispers or when I enter the room ends the call quickly.
He will mope around on his days off, but on the days he works he cheerful.
Cigarette buts in the ash tray of our car with lipstick on it, not my shade.And he says no one else had been there.
Lying about little things.Lying about drinking when his breath would knock you over.
Ignoring me when I`m telling him something funny.
He finally told me about a table dance he got.This has hurt alot.
Coming home late, making excuses about this and that.
Talking in his sleep about female co workers, by name.
Avoiding dealing with these facts, becoming defensive and verbly abusive.
After 15 years when we are out he is constintly looking at other women and if I am talking to him he ignors me.
I`m I alone in thinking something is wrong here. I still look good and I have a good sense of humor.I don`t nag to much and only ask for what I need and can`t do myself. I need some advice I am so depressed and confused.
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I`m a40yrs. wm dating a 43yrs. ww sence Jul 4 It`s been up and down mostly down latey. She was away for about 8wks.I would to marry her,now we had a spat to put it lightly .I thing were at a crossroad. ? Should we sit down and talk about us I mean get everything out in the open no secgrets hide noththing. And then decide wether to go on or not.She has told me alot about herself good and bad mostly bad.
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I have been with my girlfriend for 7 months + now and we`re going thru a crisis.I got to know her at my workplace and we started off as friends.As days go by,we realized that we had gained feelings for each other.Without hesitating,I confronted her expressing how i felt for her.At that time she was still in another relationship (5year relationship)(Distant) with another guy from UK.It was made known to me that she had some kind of an agreement with the other guy in UK "Should they find another partner, they would agree to part". After knowing they had this agreement,I decided to make my move and finally gaining the feelings I had for her till the day i confronted her.That night of confrontation,I came to know that she would never leave her boyfriend in UK and would only want to spend that night being close to me.I was dissapointed but i couldn`t refrain myself from being close to her.We ended up being close to each other that night and we are now partners.One day she told me that she has broken off with her boyfriend in UK and told me that she`s all mine and should never take her for granted.I did as told and loved her more, more than I could ever afford.Thinking that everything was going on fine, one day she told me that she can`t forget her ex and is confused between me and her bf in UK.After several arguments,she agreed to move on with me and will try to forget her ex in UK.Even so,i still feel very insecure that she`ll just leave me for him.It`s hard to get her assurance that she`ll never leave me.What should i do?Any advise for me or for her?
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HOW can you tell when your ex misses you?or regrets leaving you?
my ex was gonan leave me because he wasnlt ready to settle down and things went to fast.and he just didn`t want a i ended up leaving him.cuz i knew he was gonna leave me..
he stares at me constantly and everyone notices it..
he thinks im still mad at him porbably..and he hasn;t talked to me yet..but its been 3 weeks sicne we broke up.and it looks as if he missses what we do i know if he regrets leaving me??
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i was in a argument with my boyfriend cause he was being jealous about a male friend that i have and he told me that i`m free to do what i want so he also free to do what he wants .and starts giving me examples of how things that he could do that he does not do them because he loves me.after i felt insulted that i decied not to talk to him for now.what do you think about his statement
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my husband is jealous of another man, we act normal , but he is still jealous, shouls I tell the other man that my husband is jealous of him , so the other man will ignore me ,
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i have been seeing this guy for 5 weeks the beginning he said he didnt want a serious relationship..but we had a mutual "sexual agreement" to not be with anyone else but each other...well, during the time...he was developing feeling for me...i didnt know it..he didnt tell me..and i messed around one time with this make a long story short..he cant trust me now. he asked me to come to his place to talk to him...i did..and he told me he loved me..and wanted to put all the crap behind us..and move on. But he still kept asking for details...about the "incident". now..he rarely calls me...and told me he feels pressured to say i love u anymore...what the hell is going on? why all these mixed messages?
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